Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Framework

Hakers has established the "Code of Integrity" and the "Practical Guidelines for Corporate Governance" in accordance with the "Practical Guidelines for Corporate Governance of Listed and OTC Companies."

The company's corporate governance framework is outlined as follows:

  1. Board of Directors Oversight Mechanism: The Board of Directors serves as the core of corporate governance. The company ensures the independence and diversity of its directors to enable more effective supervision of the executive management's performance and to safeguard the interests of all stakeholders.
  2. Functional Committees: The company has established functional committees to assist in its operations, including the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee. These committees are responsible for overseeing corporate governance and evaluating the company's operational performance.
  3. Transparency and Information Disclosure: Dedicated personnel are responsible for disclosing various information. In addition to legally mandated disclosures in financial reports, annual reports, and public information platforms, the company also discloses other information that may affect stakeholders' interests on its official website or in the annual report.
  4. Audit System: The company's audit unit reports directly to the Board of Directors to ensure the effective operation of internal control and auditing.




ESG Mechanism

Hakers has established the ESG Project Team, which is led by the Corporate Governance Supervisor. The ESG Project Team is responsible for promoting and supervising various initiatives related to the company's sustainable development. The responsibilities of the ESG Project Team are as follows:

  1. Sustainable Development Strategy: Develop and plan the organization's sustainable development strategy to ensure the achievement of sustainable business goals in the short and long term.
  2. Environmental Protection: Evaluate and monitor the organization's environmental impact and promote eco-friendly measures such as energy conservation, emissions reduction, and resource recycling.
  3. Social Responsibility: Research and promote the company's responsibilities and contributions to society, including community support, charitable activities, and employee welfare.
  4. Corporate Governance: Facilitate good corporate governance practices, including transparency, ethical standards, and board oversight.
  5. Stakeholder Relations: Communicate and collaborate with various stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, suppliers, and employees to establish long-term and stable relationships.
  6. Data Collection and Reporting: Collect, analyze, and report data related to sustainable development goals to facilitate continuous improvement and transparency reporting.
  7. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations concerning sustainable development to mitigate potential risks.
  8. Training and Education: Provide employee training and education to raise awareness and knowledge of sustainable development.
  9. Project Management: Plan and execute various sustainable development projects, monitor project progress, and assess their effectiveness.
  10. Innovation and Technology Application: Seek and apply innovative technologies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of sustainable development initiatives.
  11. Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitor the progress of sustainable development goals, conduct evaluations, and propose improvement recommendations.


Business Performance

Hakers is legally required to disclose various performance data and indicators in its financial statements, annual reports, and on the Taiwan Stock Exchange information disclosure platform. In addition, a designated person is responsible for disclosing information that may affect the rights and interests of stakeholders on the company's official website or explicitly in the annual report, to assist stakeholders in evaluating the company's business performance.



  1. Stakeholder Policy

    Hakers recognizes and values the interactive relationships with various stakeholders, including but not limited to shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, investors, communities, and government agencies.

    1. Responsibility and Transparency: Hakers shall ensure that in the process of interacting with stakeholders, the highest standards of business ethics and legal regulations are adhered to, and integrity and transparency are upheld as guiding principles.
    2. Shareholder Rights: Hakers respects the rights of shareholders and ensures full disclosure of the company's financial condition, business development, and significant decisions, providing accurate and comprehensive reports to shareholders on a regular basis.
    3. Employee Welfare: Hakers is committed to creating a fair, respectful, and positive working environment, offering competitive compensation and benefits, as well as providing training and career development opportunities to encourage employee growth and satisfaction.
    4. Customer Satisfaction: Hakers prioritizes providing high-quality products and services, actively listening to customer needs, resolving customer issues promptly, and ensuring continuous improvement in customer satisfaction.
    5. Supplier Relationships: Hakers will establish long-term partnerships with suppliers, following fair and just procurement principles, and jointly maintain stable and sustainable supply chains.
    6. Investor Communication: Hakers will actively engage in communication with investors, providing accurate and timely information and responding to investor inquiries, ensuring that investors have a comprehensive understanding of Hakers's operations.
    7. Community Engagement: Hakers will actively participate in local community affairs, fulfill corporate citizenship responsibilities, support social welfare initiatives, and promote community prosperity.
    8. Environmental Protection: Hakers will dedicate efforts to environmental protection, minimizing its impact on the environment, promoting sustainable development, and complying with relevant environmental regulations and standards.
    9. Compliance and Oversight: Hakers will establish effective internal controls and oversight mechanisms to ensure policy implementation, and timely address stakeholder complaints and suggestions.
    10. Policy Evaluation and Updates: Hakers will regularly assess the effectiveness and implementation of the stakeholder policy and make corresponding updates and improvements as needed.
  2. Stakeholder Communication

    Hakers has established diverse communication channels with stakeholders to ensure openness and transparency of information. The various channels are listed as follows:

    1. Company Website: Hakers’ official website serves as an essential information platform for shareholders, investors, customers, and other stakeholders to access the latest company news, performance reports, and announcements.
    2. Company Reports: Including annual reports, quarterly financial reports, sustainability reports, etc., providing detailed information on Hakers’ operational status and business performance.
    3. Press Releases and Media: As needed, Hakers will issue press releases to provide important news and events to the public, investors, and customers.
    4. Shareholder Meetings: Hakers holds regular shareholder meetings and endeavors to provide shareholders with the meeting agenda and related materials in advance for review.
    5. Investor Briefings and Related Events: Hakers may hold corporate briefings, product launches, and other events to offer investors deeper insights into business operations and company development strategies.
    6. Dedicated Services: Hakers has dedicated customer service personnel and shareholder service personnel to address inquiries, provide support, and collect feedback from customers and shareholders.
    7. Social Media Platforms: Hakers engages with the public and customers through social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., disseminating important information and responding to user feedback.
    8. Internal Communication: Through internal networks, email, internal reports, etc., Hakers communicates internally with employees to ensure they are informed about the latest company updates and policies.
    9. Online Surveys and Feedback Forms: Hakers publishes surveys and feedback forms on its website or other platforms to collect opinions and suggestions from stakeholders.
    10. Suggestion Box: Hakers sets up a stakeholder mailbox where stakeholders can provide opinions and complaints anonymously or with identification, helping Hakers improve the quality of services.



Board Member Diversity Policy

Board Member Diversity Policy aims to promote diversity at the board level of the organization, including but not limited to gender, race, culture, and professional background. The following is the diversity policy for board members of our company:


  1. Diversity Goals: Our company sets clear diversity goals, including gender balance, racial diversity, cultural background differences, and professional fields, as explained below:

    1. Racial and Cultural Background Diversity: Including members from different racial and cultural backgrounds in the board helps better understand and meet the needs of diverse global markets and customers, and better address challenges arising from cultural differences.
    2. Nationality and Geographic Diversity: Having members from different countries and regions in the board enhances the company's global perspective and insights into global markets.
    3. Professional and Academic Background Diversity: Board members from diverse professional fields and academic backgrounds provide varied expertise and experience, facilitating more comprehensive discussions on strategy formulation and risk management.
    4. Industry and Occupational Diversity: Diverse industry and occupational backgrounds of board members bring in broader industry knowledge, assisting the company in adapting to industry changes and competitive challenges.
    5. Age and Gender Diversity: Including members from different age groups ensures the company benefits from diverse wisdom and experience across generations.
  2. Recruitment and Nomination Process: Develop diverse recruitment and nomination procedures to ensure a sufficiently diverse pool of candidates for the board. The company actively seeks talents with diverse backgrounds and sets diversity indicators in the candidate list.

  3. Committee Diversity: Ensure diversity within the board nomination committee itself. This facilitates promoting a more diverse candidate pool.

  4. Training and Development: Provide diversity training and development opportunities for current and potential board members. These training programs should help foster an understanding of diverse cultures and backgrounds, raise awareness, and offer support for becoming effective board members.

  5. Transparent Reporting: Disclose board member diversity information, including statistics on gender, race, and cultural backgrounds, in the company's annual report. Transparent reporting helps track progress and demonstrates the company's commitment to stakeholders and shareholders.

  6. Driving Cultural Change: Foster a corporate culture that supports diversity, advocates inclusivity, and respects differences to attract and retain talent from diverse backgrounds.

  7. Establishment of Diversity Committee: If the board requires more profound diversity efforts, consider establishing a dedicated diversity committee responsible for formulating strategies and driving diversity initiatives.

  8. Diversity Evaluation: Establish a diversity assessment mechanism to conduct regular evaluations of board diversity and ensure the effective implementation of diversity policies.



項目 說明
種族和文化背景多樣化 本公司莊榮吉董事於東南亞已定居逾30年,深知東南亞之文化特色。
國籍和地理多樣化 本公司董事皆為中華民國國籍。
專業和學術背景多樣化 本公司董事會成員專業及學術背景如下:
行業和職業多樣化 本公司董事會成員分布如下:
年齡和性別多樣化 本公司董事會成員年齡性別分布如下:
姓名 性別 年齡
陳盈璇 39
呂清裕 65
陳奕雄 74
莊榮吉 62
王志元 51
胡岡霖 68
陳彥百 57
張明正 71
郭迺鋒 65
邱義芳 62