Social Responsibility

Employee Compensation Policy

Hakers' compensation policy aims to provide fair and competitive salary and reward systems for employees, encouraging excellent performance, motivating work enthusiasm, and promoting long-term employee engagement and contribution.

The key points of our compensation policy are as follows:

  1. Basic Salary: The basic salary for each position will be determined, taking into account market competitiveness, job demands, and employee capabilities. Employee salaries will be evaluated and adjusted based on job contributions, performance, and position levels.
  2. Performance Bonus: Specific performance indicators and goals will be set to assess employees' job performance. Bonuses will be distributed based on individual, team, or company-wide performance and should be performance-related.
  3. Stock Options and Stock Rewards: We will consider providing stock options or other stock-related incentives to encourage long-term participation and contribution to the company. Stock option plans should clearly define grant conditions, exercise prices, and exercise periods.
  4. Benefits and Subsidies: We offer comprehensive benefit plans such as medical insurance, retirement plans, work-life balance activities, and various allowances to enhance employee welfare. We also consider providing flexible working hours and vacation policies as work-life balance measures.
  5. Salary Transparency and Communication: We emphasize transparency in our salary system to ensure employees understand the salary policies and standards. Regular salary reviews and communication with employees will be conducted to provide positive feedback and development suggestions.
  6. Compliance: We ensure that our salary policy complies with local regulations and regulatory requirements.
  7. Regular Review and Update: We conduct periodic reviews and updates of the salary policy to ensure its legality and adaptability.


Employee Care Policy

Our company is committed to achieving a balance between work and life for our employees, and we have established various measures for employee care, outlined as follows:

  1. Health Benefits: We provide comprehensive health insurance and regular health check-ups to ensure the physical and mental well-being of our employees.
  2. Work Flexibility: We offer our employees flexible working hours, remote work options, or other flexible arrangements to help them balance work and personal life.
  3. Training and Development: We provide training programs and professional development opportunities for employees to continuously enhance their skills and knowledge.
  4. Employee Rewards and Bonuses: We encourage and recognize outstanding employee performance through bonuses, incentives, or other forms of rewards.
  5. Social Activities and Team Building: We regularly organize company events, gatherings, or team-building activities to promote interaction and team cohesion among employees.
  6. Care Visits: Company representatives or managers conduct individual meetings with employees regularly to understand their needs and concerns and provide necessary support.
  7. Employee Feedback Mechanism: We establish an effective feedback mechanism to allow employees to express their opinions, provide suggestions, and receive timely responses to their needs.
  8. Work Environment and Benefits: We provide high-quality office facilities, comfortable rest areas, and catering services during overtime to enhance employee satisfaction.
  9. Balancing Work Stress: We pay attention to and assist employees in managing work-related stress, ensuring a reasonable distribution of workload to prevent excessive pressure that may affect their health and performance.
  10. Welfare Surveys: We conduct regular surveys to understand employees' needs and expectations and make corresponding improvements based on the survey results.
  11. Company Culture and Values: We foster a positive corporate culture and values that make employees feel respected, treated fairly, and trusted.
  12. Work-Life Balance Support: We offer support for work-life balance, such as parental leave, family-oriented activities, and other initiatives.


Employee Skills Enhancement and Education Training


公司別 日期 課程名稱 授課對象 訓練人數
總部 2022/5 常見內控管理缺失情形與實務案例解析 財務會計部 7
總部 2022/8 企業財稅實務專題:跨國交易衍生之扣繳爭議預防與解決 財務會計部 7
總部 2022/8 背信罪實務案例與法律責任 財務會計部 7
總部 2022/10 企業簽訂商務契約常見爭訟類型與內控管理 財務會計部 7
總部 2022/10 誠信政策宣導 全體同仁 47
總部   行銷活動教育訓練 門市同仁  
總部 2022/12 性別平等宣導 全體同仁 47